set all free to serve Him
Worship material to commemorate the bicentenary of the
Abolition of the Slave Trade Act

The background to the commemoration

Sunday 25 March 2007 marks 200 years to the day that the British Parliament passed an Act to outlaw the slave trade in British colonies. This Act was the first intervention in outlawing the mass enslavement of Africans in the Americas.

Although Christians played a key role in the efforts to end slavery, the Church at times colluded with this unjust system by using the Bible to justify the enslavement of Africans and even profited from slavery itself.

The bicentenary provides us with a unique opportunity to remember the full role of Christians during this momentous period and to reflect on the consequences of their actions. It is also a time to assess our own attitudes towards injustice and inequality in our current society, and whether we are willing to finish the work began by yesteryears? abolitionists to end slavery and its legacies once and for all.

The model offered in this worship material is remember, reflect and respond, using the examples of the past to tackle the challenges in the present such as racism, inequality and modern slavery.

Order of Service

If a service sheet is being devised, the set all free logo may be used. Download here
Please acknowledge on the sheet: ?Some material in this service is drawn from resources produced by set all free, a project of Churches Together in England.?
The CTE logo can be downloaded here

As far as we know, everything provided here is copyright free, though an acknowledgement of some items is requested either in the text or at the end of the sheet.

Material for use within the eucharist or mass

In some places, there will not be a special service, but it will still be appropriate to include commemoration-related material within the eucharist, in the bidding prayers, in the choice of eucharistic prayer and blessing, etc.

For material specifically on William Wilberforce, see under 30 July here

Congregational leaflet

An A4 trifold leaflet suitable for general distribution, giving brief information about the slave trade, its legacies and modern slaveries, will be available from mid-November.

Ideas for worship throughout 2007

Worship ideas throughout 2007 - download pdf.

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